Emperor of the Battlefield

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Emperor of the Battlefield

another draft logo

Privacy Policy

The information on this page details our Privacy Policy including data security and our Use of Cookies.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you use our Site as a visitor, and/or register for our service, you will be regarded as having read and accepted this Privacy Policy. If you don’t wish to be bound by what you read below, you shouldn’t use our Site or register for our service.

You can navigate to a specific section by selecting the header, however we recommend that you should read all the information.

You can find sample privacy policies and terms on the web – eg at https://www.lawdepot.co.uk/contracts/website-privacy-policy/  and https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/advice-for-small-organisations/make-your-own-privacy-notice/ 

Welcome to XXX and our related applications, tools and services (our “Site”). Our site is owned and operated by XXX trading as YYY (‘we, ‘our’, ‘us’), registered office address: XXX, registered company number NNN.


Our Privacy Policy explains the information we collect about you and the steps we take to ensure your information is kept secure and confidential. It should be read together with our Site Terms of Service.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you use our Site as a visitor, and/or register for our service, you will be regarded as having read and accepted this Privacy Policy. If you don’t wish to be bound by what you read below, you shouldn’t use our Site or register for our service.

XXX takes the issue of privacy very seriously and we are committed to protecting and respecting our users’ privacy. This privacy policy and use of cookies statement sets out our current data processing practices.

For the purposes of the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act 1998, XXX (company number YYY) is a registered data controller (Reference NNN found on ico.org.uk/register), and from time to time may sub contract, under a formal Data Processor Agreement, services to carefully selected third parties as registered data processors in relation to the processing of any personal information in connection with our services and the personal data you disclose to us through our Site.

If you have any queries relating to our use of your personal information or any other related data protection questions, please contact us by email at XXX

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